wiki | cms | hub development
wiki authoring
Wikis, which are community generated and maintained websites, are written and edited by its members and contributors.
Wikis utilize web 2.0 collaborative technology which allows any registered end user to revise, add, or delete information on various subjects.
Wikis provide an excellent platform for an organization's intranet or knowledge-centric databases. The term "wiki" is a Hawaiian word that translates into "fast".
A search for "wikis" on Alexa generates hundreds of unique wiki driven website platforms.
WikiHow, a wiki based instructional hub, is focused on "do it yourself" and educative tutorials. WikiHow is a San Diego Web Studio favorite:)
WikiHow originated as a community generated extension of popular tutorial website, and quickly grew to include over 53,000 how-to-do-it-yourself featured articles.
On WikiHow, any anonymous or registered member can edit or create a page on how to do something. Users must follow a standard format and protocol when generating instructional articles. Proper formatting includes summarization, a step by step numerical process for approaching each shown activity, tips, required ingredients and tools, warnings, links to outside resources, a platform for photographs and diagrams, and a section for citations and sources.

take a leadership role...become an authoritative expert

If you are interested in Wiki exposure and marketing services for your business, or have questions surrounding collaborative website inclusion as a promotional venue, just call us at San Diego Web Design Studio to assess some clean and simple options.
San Diego Web Design & SEO Studio can help your business or organization utilize wiki platforms to promote and market your cause or service, in addition to implementing wiki software and capabilities for your company or group intranet or database. Call us 7 days per week to inquire about Social Media & Search Engine Optimization.
over ten years of web development & seo experience
... and twenty years of successful sales & marketing expertise. If your company or organization needs reliable and efficient web consultation and project development services, give us a call today at 619.504.0450 We understand how confusing and overwhelming web design & marketing decisions can be even for technically oriented professionals - so we strive to keep things simple.
collaborative content

WoWWiki, which uses its own unique domain name, is Wikia's largest wiki, or user generated website. It features everything from recipes to game information to international politics.
Wikia serves as a free hosting platform for wiki-built websites, and targets communities with common interests, both online, and in the brick and mortar realm offline.
For more information on promoting your content and services on Wikis, please call San Diego Web Design & SEO Studio @ 619.504.0450.
A strong advocate for open web protocol:

WikiPedia, a not for profit collaborative website of informational and statistical articles and resources, is the most popular and widely used reference source on the web, even surpassing Encyclopaedia Brittanica.
Although any person, whether anonymously or as a registered user, can generate, edit, revise, and delete information from the database, the site is widely "policed", or monitored, by community members who ensure accuracy, noteworthiness, and value of contributed material. Wikipedia stresses that it is NOT is a self promotional media vehicle or marketing venue.
Wikipedia, an authoritative and highly trusted website, is an excellent source of incoming links when factored into an intelligently engineered marketing and publicity campaign.