rss | atom content distribution services
what is rss? really simple syndication
RSS, an acronym for "Really Simple Syndication", is a system of syndicating and providing "live" feeds of contents from news sources, blogs, press releases, and more in a standardized configuration.
San Diego Web Studio also syndicates and distributes blog news and articles to Google News on other websites, such as SanDiegoDWI; anyone subscribing to Google News alerts regarding San Diego DUI News and topics will be notified when pertinent articles are published.
RSS feeds allow subscribers to designate content of interest, which is then aggregated and available for perusal using a variety of "feed readers", such as Google Reader, Feed Burner, etc.

be an authoritative expert

If you are interested in web content development and marketing services for your business, or have questions surrounding website services, please call San Diego Web Design Studio at 619.504.0450.
over ten years of web development & seo experience
really simple syndication
streaming content automation
google news feeds | content aggregation

One example of a syndicated news feed being "fed" or distributed to a web page can be viewed on San Diego Web Design Studio's News page. Published news is specifically relative to San Diego Web & SEO focused currents and headline news.
san diego web design studio
... and twenty years of successful sales & marketing expertise. If your company or organization needs reliable and efficient web consultation and project development services, give us a call today at 619.504.0450 We understand how confusing and overwhelming web design & marketing decisions can be even for technically oriented professionals - so we strive to keep things simple.