server seo & directory cleanup
san diego seo services
got junk in the trunk? let's get that site into a lean, mean, ranking machine

W3 Report on Server Error Codes Unfortunately for some website owners, search engines have been known to decrease organic ranking positions, or prominence, of otherwise quality websites that have problematic issues on the hosting server, in the structure of the file directory, in the .htaccess file, or improperly administered redirects, to name a just a few SEO demotion culprits.
server side seo vs. onpage seo services
Our SEO Services [Mobile SEO aside, as a different animal] can be broken down into 3 sections; onpage SEO, offpage SEO, and Server Side SEO. Offpage is mostly the creation of social media and buzz content, as well as generation of relevant, quality backlink pointing at the site to be optimized...basically.
Onpage SEO deals with elements of the page that impact ranking as far as keywords, title tags, content prominence and placement order, anchor text, content emphasized with bold, strong, and em tags, etc.
Server Side SEO, on the other hand, deals with issues affecting ranking and visibility that are more advanced and often more obscure to the untrained eye than either onpage or offpage SEO factors.
server side issues possibly affecting seo
A few examples of server side issues that could be hindering your site's SEO performance:
The above list is by no means all-inclusive, and lists only a few examples of possibly pesky server side issues. For a personal consultation, please call us at 619.504.0450.
additional seo issues
Are the following issues creating problems on your server? Is it possible your ranking is hampered by one or more issues below?
Call us for any of your website performance needs, as well as mobile web design and application development services. We'll get you mobilized! 619.504.0450

- Seo Results
- Seo Repair
- Audio & Video Seo
- Semantic Seo
- Organic Seo
- Local Seo
- Campaign Strategy
- Keywords & Market Reach
- PPC & Pay Per Call
- Seo Buzz & Promotion
- Niche & Authoritative Listings
- Onpage Seo
- Offpage Seo
- Server Admin & Seo ↵
- Mobile Search
- Seo Pricing & Flat Fees
- Hourly Marketing Rates
- SEO Cost Comparisons
- Shopping Wisely for Seo