ppc • sem
sponsored search
google adwords | yahoo search
SEM, or Search Engine Marketing differs from SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, in that Marketing services include paid placement in the search engines.
Both Google and Yahoo sell sponsored ad space that show up at the top, bottom, and right side of the search engine results pages.
Adwords and Yahoo! Search allow advertisers to bid on specific keywords and keyword phrases using "exact match", "broad match" or "content match" options.
San Diego Web Services & SEM Studio offers Pay Per Click Advertising Services. Please call us at 619.504.0450 or eMail us today to learn more about SEM.
google's click to call beta
indicates click to call ad
Google is evaluating a click to call beta (surprised?) program that is mediated by G. How it works is a searcher may select an ad denoted by a green phone icon, click the phone icon, submit their call back phone number, and wait for Google to connect them with the advertiser the search user selected.
In this scenario, google picks up any costs for the phone call itself [ie, neither the advertiser not the search user are charged long distance toll charges by their respective carriers]. Note that on a
Once connected, you may proceed with your inquiry or intended purpose. The advertiser then pays Google a predetermined rate for connecting the "phone lead".
san diego's original web studio
ten years of web development experience
If your company or organization needs reliable and efficient web consultation and project development services, give us a call today at 619.504.0450
We understand how confusing and overwhelming web design & marketing decisions can be even for technically oriented professionals - so we strive to keep things simple. Call us any day of the week, before or after you retain us. For your convenience, you can eMail us with any questions and receive a prompt response to your inquiry.
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ppc advertising
pay per click | pay per call
PPC, or pay per click, is the original form of online advertising. PPC involves "bidding" for keywords and placement against other advertisers targeting the same keyword market.
Google's well known pay per click program is named "adwords" for advertisers, and "adsense" for web publishers who attract volumes of traffic and offer paid placement on their websites for keyword advertisers whose target market is relevant to the "adsense" website publishing "host". Adsense and Yahoo's "content match" programs have been mired in abuse, referred to as "click fraud" most commonly attributed to websites hosting the ads in an effort to impersonate click-throughs, and therefore adsense generated revenue. As Google and Yahoo profit from each "click-through", or impression, the "content match" feature has gained a dubious reputation, and been the subject of much debate and controversy.
"Overture" now "Yahoo! Search"
Once named "Overture", Yahoo Search overhauled their PPC program to integrate more complex and specific backend framework to enable enhanced reporting and campaign management.
pay per call
mobile driven ads
Once a lower level advertising service offered by non-prolific search engine marketing promoters, pay per call has become a staple in the mobile advertising landscape.
Google offers mobile pay per call as an integrated add-on to traditional adwords PPC campaigns. G allows for established sponsored search advertisers for traditional desktop websites can add mobile search campaigns to existing accounts].
admob by google
In addition to adwords for mobile, Google now offers "Admob" by Google. A mobile specific pay per call search advertising program that is networked with what claim to be the largest brands and networks in web marketing industry.
yahoo mobile
Yahoo's mobile advertising is not limited to aural browsing, but clicking as well. The per price is based on a call or a mobile click. Mobile advertising is unique in that it allows advertisers to target specific wireless carriers, not just keywords and geographical areas.
microsoft pay per call
Microsoft, at this time, is offering small business pay per call services on bing mobile only. For medium and enterprise advertisers, Microsoft provides advertising options with minimum spend commitments.
san diego ppc campaign services
San Diego Web Studio can help you establish and achieve your marketing and conversion goals online. View our web services rates & promotions .
Call us today at 619.504.0450 or eMail San Diego Website Design Studio ... or submit a simple online inquiry for more information.

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