mobile web design & marketing of san diego
iPhone | iPad | android | htc | blackberry | tablets | symbian | all device interoperable | more...
mobile applications · mobile websites · mobile marketing
w3c standard compliant | extensible | all device compatible
Exploit the handheld device market before your competitors seize this unsaturated and time sensitive opportunity.
Gain new prospects using mobile phones & portable devices such as tablets, netbooks, iPhones, iPads, Androids, Blackberry's, Palm®, etc.
San Diego Web Design Studio can enable your business to reach and convert new mobile market share before your competition realizes this as of yet unsaturated source of revenue generating opportunity.
mobile market growth
The billions of mobile web users who regularly access and search the internet from their phones and handheld devices is expected to more than double by 2014.
As of January 2011, Google reports their paid advertising service for mobile, AdMob, is receiving 2 billion ad requests daily. Mobile market acquisition is a new frontier of opportunity.
Another example is the Weather Channel, with a reach of 45 million web users per month, 17 million of their monthly total of unique visitors are mobile web users accessing their channel from their phones and iDevices.
grow and monetize your business
- reach new mobile only market share
- penetrate untapped portable device markets
- convert mobile only end users
- convert mobile market share
- expand to reach all platforms
mobile market acquisition
leap ahead of your competitors with web 3.0 interoperability
San Diego Web Studio's mobile focus and website production process is always driven at strengthening our clients' websites to give them an advantage over their competitors' web marketing campaigns
Applying proper structural markup, demographical customization criteria, user friendy features and design, seamless functionality, high speed performance and decreased download times, as well as conformance to .mobi web standards per w3c web standards, your mobile webstie combines cutting edge technology and maximum appeal. It's called the formula for success. Let's not forget about adding sticky features and extras that compel clicks and curiosity uniquely targeted to the interests of your online community.
mobile websites vs. desktop versions
what are .mobi websites & how do they differ from .coms?
Mobile (.mobi) sites require adaptation for uniquely small screen sizes, slower and inferior processing components, limited power sources typically dependent on end user's battery life, and are also characterized by unique patterns and traits common with the mobile user demographical profiles in the U.S.
mobile web standardization
w3c mobile web standards compliant
We are current and focused on the speed and hyper-comptetitiveness of the ever advancing mobile phone handset market, there are over 1600 handset models in use locally.
Multiply the number of handsets by the number of carriers, types of data plans, operating systems, proprietary technology, and you may be surprised to hear that we can design a mobile website that is all-device compatible.
All Device compatibility interoperates on all handset and tablet hardware devices, while at the same time functioning consistently with touch screens, aural browsers (voice), video programs, and more. Being accessible and having a site that renders gracefully and predictably for all portable device visitors, including users of:
- iPad™
- iPhone™
- Blackberry™
- Android
- Symbian
- Palm™
- Palm Pilots™
- HTCs
- Tablets
- Smart Phones
- Touch Screens
- More...
Call us at 619.504.0450 to discuss your Mobile Marketing goals for 2011.

handheld mobile web migration
handset & wireless carrier obsolescence
The progressive advent of .mobi and handheld accessible websites and devices may be the second most impactful economic, technical, and marketing event next to the dot com era of paper millionaires and pets in the corporate workplace.
As mobile phone users ncreasingly rely on their wifi, wimax, and 3G/4G connections to work, communicate, shop, administrate, plan, and access their cloud hosted informationon the go, prospective clients consummating their business on a portable will be a missed opportunity for businesses whose web marketing efforts are limited to PC only markets.
With an ever growing array of handsets, services, operating systems, mobile browsers, devices, and manufacturers, it's crucial to implement a mobile marketing website that is interoperable and compatible with all screen sizes, proprietary portables such as iPad and Blackberry, open source applications, phones, and software.
Equally important is backward-engineered, or backward compatibility, to render new sites consistently and predictably on obsolete platforms and hardware still in use, and re-introduced to consumers via carriers' refurbished inventory...forward and backward compatibility are staples of our mobile design products...relax, we'll make your mobile site extensible, too!
It's important to note that web phone users typify a uiniquely separate set of goals, behaviors, windows of time spent, and habits of interacting with their phone interfaced with web data.
San Diego Web Design Studio dedicates a significant amount of focus on studying end user behavior, thus adapting media to better suit the targeted end user.
san diego web design for mobile monetization...
call 619.504.0450
Custom and extensible small screen size solutions scalable to your needs now, and as you grow your business with our unique mobile web marketing services.
.mobi TLD handheld specific...
.mobi: domain names exclusively for mobile sector
The mobile specific top level domain .MOBI is the original suffix appropriated exclusively for the HHD (hand held devices) and PDA (personal digital assistants) internet migration now consisting of billions of mobile web users.
cHTML: compact hyper text markup language
Mobile and handheld adaptive websites require streamlined programming and configuration to adapt to reduced screen and browser sizes. Mobile websites must also optimize for decreased availability of bandwidth and resources customary of PC's used on the traditional internet... additional formats currently in use for mobile websites include WML, which is becoming somewhat outdated, and XHTML.
w3c mobile web standard compliant validation
We build complete, standards compliant mobile, pda, and handheld enabled websites in accordance with the Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C) and "Best Mobile Web Practices" for optimal site visitor usability and search engine optimization.
internet / 2 = mobile devices + pc's
The number of mobile and handheld web users is expected to soon surpass the number of traditional internet users who access the web via PC desktops and laptops.
This creates entirely new and potentially lucrative opportunities for proactive online businesses and entrepreneurs.
custom mobile analytics reporting
micro-statistical website data
We can slice, dice, mix, and dissect your reports on any criteria or specialization that supports your business goals.
Care to know how iPhone users interact with your site vs. Blackberry users? Care to know if high end device users of G1 and iPads make more purchases than inexpensive device users, just ask? We like doing things that are well, geeky. Is it any wornder our clients find they enjoy our projects and have fun, too?
kaizen! always improve
Tap in to the mobile market and implement Mobile Analytics to test and improve your conversion ratios and successful transactions. Captivate and engage the unique mobile end user by studying and adjusting to their preferences, navigational patterns, and buying behaviors.
Let San Diego Web Design Studio develop the perfect statistical reporting system for your business to make use of valuable and extensive end user demographical data that further facilitates understanding and capitalizing on mobile market generated profits and growth revenue by improving site usage.
mobile marketing services & opportunities
custom portable solutions • • • •
Based on your specific needs, market, and current web assets, we'll help you integrate and engage mobile end users by developing a mobile web presence tailored to your goals & industry.
Choose to modify an existing desktop [traditional] website by adding a subdomain, or create a new mobile and handheld enabled design specifically for handheld, small screen devices to compliment your current web marketing assets.1
[ we can embed automatic detection of end users' hardware, O/S, and browser to deliver the most appropriate website version for each site visitor's unique computing environment ]
san diego mobile marketing services
picky and market savvy
We produce a high return on investment by staying small, applying a boutique approach to our business , and limiting our commitments to projects we can personally take ownership and accountability for. We have an impeccablly successful track record.
We attribute our achievements and satisfied clientele to our being picky and market savvy.
Nice Small Screen Solutions that create Big Impact...San Diego Web Studio can:
- add an subdomain to existing url, or
- add a domain separately
- deliver branded mobile apps • games • utiliities • tools
- process transactions & payments
- offer downloads & media such as mp3s
- sell event tickets & confirm reservations
- provide info via mobile scannable qr barcode
- advertise on google mobile adwords
- implement mobile analytics for R & D
mobile empowerment
By developing a mobile friendly verison of your website, or adding a specidfically mobile .mobi TLD to your web properties, you'll be empowered to deliver branded mobile applications and media such as games, utiliities and tools that create stickiness and value to your marketing message. Don't just sell...give! solve! innovate! authoritate!
mobile users: affluent & tech savvy
Extensive research indicates Mobile end users are an affluent, decisive, and technical savvy demographical group especially receptive to travel accomodations and services, mobile products and related offers, restaurant and event information, as well as social media platforms.
mobile monetization
If location is everything, timing is indispensible! Be there when it's convenient for your customers to pay. Be there when they have their credit cards handy. Be there to accept payment when you have their attention.
mobile commerce
Never lose another sale to a mobile user who intends to return to your site to make a purchase. There is still no such thing as a "Be-Back".
Process transactions & paymentsto mobile users that include downloads, purchases, and event ticket sales
get swiped! ... be scanned
Be an easy barcode
Provide a scannable QR barcode on all media and print collateral. A mobile end user can swipe the code with their phone's camera and download relevant info electronically.
We will code, create and programmatically embed the data for your businees to offer contact info, directions, descriptions of products, services, events, and even consumer reviews and ratings.
sales without borders
Mobile end users make frequent purchases from work, at school, at home, at play, on vacation, in transit, and more...
Mobile site visitors love conveniently accessing menus for take-out orders, yoga class schedules, social media interaction, ratings and reviews, price comparisons, event details, recommendations, and more with just a "swipe' of their android or iphone.
Mobile Accessibility can dramatically increase your business by postioning your offerings to buyers and prospects geographically near your business in search of your services.
mobile seo & advertising
Google, MSN, and Yahoo offer advertising and sponsored search services specifically engineered for mobile phone users who search the web for products, services, and information. Facebook recently acquired startup company rela8tions in pursuit of mobile advertising interests. The opportunities at this point are parallel to the dotcom explosion, and may be unsurpassed by future advances and migrations to new technologies.
google aural organic search
mobile voice search
Google indexes, ranks, and serves mobile sites independently of the algorithms used to rank web pages delivered in standard PC query results. For this reason, it is imperative to stay ahead of the competition by submitting mobile friendly websites to the Google Mobile index and Mobile Sitemaps via theGoogle Webmaster Interface.
cross platform mobile advertising
mobile ad coops & ppc
Cross platform advetising is defined as targeted to combined web enabled devices. With a cross platforma advertising campaign, sponsored ads targeted to traditional desktop users can be combined with targeted mobile ads that are device specific. Mobile advertising often provides "most wanted response" fee agreements, such as "Pay per Click", or "Pay per Call'.
mobile landing pages & banner ads
San Diego Web Studio is known for creative and clever ad campaigns. Whether it's guiding an end user to consummate a site's "MWR", such as a download, an inquiry, a purchase, or a reservation, we'll bring the offer to life and create a a hard to resist shining ad for your campaign.
Need Banner ads and slogans? Branding for mobile targeted product or service? We'll analyze the demographical user behavior and create an entire path to prospective acquisition. Just ask for what you want.
we create compelling and successful text ad campaigns as well ... whether you provide a theme, a word, a color, or an idea, we can spin into something intriguing and target market appropriate. Give us a call and see what we can do at 619.504.0450
mobile landing pages
San Diego Web Studio prepares our clients' sites for web mobile advertising by integrating targeted keyword and optimization features into mobile landing pages, condensed and optimized mobile web content, and mobile site visitor access, conversion tracking, and analysis.
google mobile advertising
Cross Platform advertising, provided by Google Adwords, enables sponsored search clients to combine their original paid advertising campaigns, for traditional desktop screens, with Mobile targeted sponsored search. Google offers traditional Pay per Click for Mobile, as well as sponsored Pay per Call for Mobile. San Diego Web Design Studio can set up and manage both for maximum value and return on investment for paid search clients. Call us at 619.504.0450 and receive professional Mobile Marketing monetization results. Call today, monetize now.
targeted mobile advertising
Mobile advertising with san diego web studio is simple and affordable. The results are easily measured and rewarding. Key Metric studies are consistenly showing mobile advertising campaigns outperforming other web ad campaigns across the board.
google adwords for mobile
Sponsored search results on Google Mobile work on a pay per click as well as a pay per call basis. Every ad contains a headline and a description with a maximum of 18 characters each. The third line contains the site URL or a telephone number, or both.
Advertisers can therefore choose to connect to customers via whichever medium - phone or website - that they prefer, or they can let customers choose.
microsoft mobile advertising
Aside from pretty confusing branding by Microsoft [would you recognize the logo on the left as a Microsoft brand without the identifying text? ], could it be Microsoft is having an identity crisis? Maybe that's why they're too tied up to offer small and medium sized businesses seeking mobile advertising anything more than Bing™ for mobile "at this time" [January 31st, 2011].
yahoo mobile advertising
Yahoo provides a refreshing array of options for mobile advertisers. Yahoo Mobile dissects and sub-categorizes demographics, wireless phone carriers, geographical targeting,
mobile seo & advertising
Google, MSN, and Yahoo offer advertising and sponsored search services specifically engineered for mobile phone users who search the web for products, services, and information. Facebook recently acquired startup company rela8tions in pursuit of mobile advertising interests. The opportunities at this point are parallel to the dotcom explosion, and may be unsurpassed by future advances and migrations to new technologies.
google admob
In addition to Google Adwords for Mobile, Google also offers "AdMob" Mobile Campaign advertising. Admob is a growing network of the world's largest advertisers and brands targeting the evolving portable device market.
iAd by apple
Our mobile advertising campaign management includes Apples' iAd network of websites and applications.