mobile web device interoperability
handset equipment & mobile operating systems compatibility

mobile web & all device interoperability
All device-interoperability? Must say, it resonates a lot like Multi-Browser Compatibility. As a veteran web developer, I view the thousands of variables in handsets, tablets, netbooks, and mobile phones as a concern surfacing at a time when the browsers [internet explorer, it's the primary felon], are just on the cusp of becoming standardized.
Well, this never has been an occupation for slackers. Nor for people who give up easily.
Now, with the plethora of mobile operating systems, brands, mobile browsers, carriers, technologies, manufacturers, and models hitting the market at an accelerated pace, should you optimize and adjust for every piece of mobile hardware and OS combination? Or pick and choose based on your end user's demographical profile?
compatibility for mobile web & software variables
Is it possible to accommodate the products of a hyper-competitive market and the ever-increasing speed of advances in mobile and internet technology?
Professional Web Designers and Developers respect the importance of applications and extensions being Web Standard Compliant, which ensures a reasonable level of compatibility and interoperability. Historically, proprietary software and application publishers such as Adobe and Microsoft have ensured plug-ins and extensions are compatible across major web browsers.
With the robust capabilities of Html5, CSS3, and respective, advanced streaming media features, the need to tediously install an endless array of "new and revised" proprietary plug-ins is obsolete. If a website requires a plug-in, the end user is well aware they can click off to another website; a more user friendly and progressive site, that offers the same material without the need to be a slave to proprietary plug-ins and extensions.
For maximum marketing reach and penetration, cross browser compatibility and device interoperability are main considerations. The principles of cross-browser and multi-browser compatibility can transcend to mobile website and application development.
Clearly, if you plan on market domination and saturation, developing your mobile app to be all device interoperable is a vital key to success. And we can handle this for you. Call us, we can determine if we are a good fit within a matter of minutes.
mobile device market share
Per the chart below, both Android and Apple's iOS operating systems are the most popular. Blackberry currently enjoys a large ratio of white collar, corporate market share [although a share that is quickly diminishing and converting to Android].
Microsoft's Windows Mobile Phone, reported to be somewhat of a flop per early release sales volumes in comparison to Apple's and Google's handset sales figures, is showing much improvement according to this study. Regardless of a dislike for Internet Explorer and many of Microsoft's products, we'll behave and take Windows Mobile into account when developing your small screen product. Many end users, unfamiliar with Firefox, Chrome, and other superior browsers, still rely on IE.
The chart above demonstrates a close race for majority market share. In the end, count on Open Source for longevity, widespread implementation, and support by the majority of web developers.
No need to limit your market reach. We've got you covered on iPhone app development...your app will ace Android users...and for the others, a mobile design or development plan that features device interoperability is an easy option for us to provide.
one mobile website or app fits all vs. one device fits all
Applications built with extensive compatibility across mobile operating systems, mobile browsers, and mobile handsets, tablets, and netbooks, are inherently extensible when built in accordance with the W3C Recommendations for Best Mobile Practices. San Diego Web Studio develops in compliance with W3C validation standards. Let's mobilize, optimize, and monetize. Ready for fresh? Call us at 619.504.0450, or click off a simple short form and we'll contact you at your phone number.