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google mobile search & apps
specialized services for handheld web devices and phones
google mobile search
Google Mobile Search, in a pattern very similar to Google traditional Search for desktops, is steadfastly establishing dominant leadership and majority market share in the fast growing handheld and small screen sector.
Mobile products and Mobile SEO vary quite a bit from their predecessors, the traditional desktop versions of search and optimization. Geo-targeting plays a core role in Mobile Search and query results. Mobile Search is inherently localized in nature, by what is called location awareness features and related technology.
As of early 2011, G is now offering geo-targeted search results for desktop users. This is an excellent opportunity and attractive enhancement for local brick and mortar business to step up their mobile and local search optimization game. The playing fields are shifting, for certain.
google services for mobile users
One major difference between traditional search on G, and search queries originating from a mobile phone, are aural, or voiced results. Google Mobile speaks, as a safety and convenience feature, presuming Mobile users are on the go and busy with their hands and eyes.
mobile search optimization
For brick and mortar local businesses and stores, Google Mobile Optimization, can significantly increase visibility and query inclusion not only on Google Mobile, but on Yahoo Mobile, Bing Mobile, Foursquare, Gowalla, and other location based web properties.
Our Mobile search engine and social optimization services can help you keep pace Google Mobile Search growth, and the emphasis Google is now placing on Mobile web.
An example of how Google Mobile Search works: Imagine a potential customer is walking, driving, or sitting in a coffee shop. As they are out and about, they decide that they would like a good slice of pizza. They can pull out their cell phone, type or speak "pizza" into their phone, and Google Mobile will grab their location from their GPS and give them a list of results - the first results listed are pizza places nearby. From there, they can get contact information to order a pizza, driving directions if they need to find the place, or even reviews from people who have tried that pizzeria's food and written a review or rating.
sales of web enabled mobile devices has surpassed desktop sales
mobile branding & marketing
San Diego Web Studio has been building mobile optimized websites since 2007. We offer diverse and advanced products and services for mobile design and marketing. We have extensive back end programming capabilities that include C+ and custom scripting for mobile interaction and functionality.